Standard warranty
The standard warranty applies to all products supplied by APT and covers a period of 12 months from date of shipment (date of delivery note). The scope of services includes the repair ( materials and labor ) or possibly a replacement of the component in our house as well as the return of the standard service within Germany. For repairs on site all from that resulting additional costs ( travel, etc.) are excluded from reimbursement.
Excluded from the guarantee are damages that are similar by the misuse, improper use , or improper interference were caused (e.g. Pollution, damage is visible, adjust parameters, etc.).
Extended warranty
The Extended Warranty applies to all new appliances (including options) of the instrument families ATL01, PMD02 and PMF01 from delivery date of 01/10/2012. Extended Warranty works for the same conditions as the standard warranty with the following exceptions:
The Extended Warranty covers a period of 60 months from
delivery date ( date of delivery note ).
Condition for
the use of the extended warranty is a review at least annually with
performance and calibration of the equipment by employees of APT or other
appropriately qualified and trained professionals, through APT.
For the correction of the following defects , the standard warranty applies
(see above) :
Error in wear parts (Proportional valves, control valves,
sensors, mass flow controllers, pressure regulators, ...) or components for
data retention (batteries ) and data loss